- This rich and enchanting exhibition sheds some light on the history of the construction and maintenance of the Prophet's Mosque as well as the historical and Saudi expansions it has witnessed throughout the ages, in addition to displaying some rare and highly interesting collectibles of the two Holy Mosques
By utilizing enthralling media and breathtaking shows, this exhibition provides a unique experience in acquainting visitors with the Holy Qur'an and displaying a wide variety
of the rarest and the most invaluable manuscripts and collectibles- This exhibition summarize some moral aspects in the life of Prophet
Muhammad, sallallaahu ́alayhi wa sallam - This science and technology oasis, organized by Riyadh Municipality, presents scientific concepts in an engaging museum style
- It tells the story of revelation and its descent to the prophets from Adam to the Seal of the Prophets, Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, using distinctive display methods and models that simulate the natural dimensions of the Cave of Hira.
- An educational and awareness museum that displays the story of Saudi culture and heritage, especially the Al-Jouf region.