About us

Since its establishment in 1999 and over two decades, Samaya Investment has created, implemented, and operated a number of important cultural projects.

These projects varied between heritage, national and scientific. It included museums, galleries and cultural complexes,
and distributed throughout Saudi Arabia, all the way to the world.

We work in Samaya with a unique integration in developing cultural projects, This includes crafting ideas and events and preparing content, Architectural Design Department, interior and technical design of galleries in museums, visitor centres, and permanent and temporary exhibitions.

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Samaya investment Group

We work in

Asset 3


Design and construction of museums

Asset 1

Heritage sites

Revitalizing and enriching heritage sites

Asset 2


Holding permanent and temporary exhibitions

Asset 6

Interactive visitor centers

Create distinctive experiences

Asset 7

Architectural competitions for cultural projects

Promote the development of new planning and implementation methods

Asset 5

Scientific, cultural and promotional centers

Scientific content industry

Our Work

  • Labbayk
    The Hajj Journey Through the Ages
  • The Superior Moral Character Of Prophet Muhammad
    This exhibition summarize some moral aspects in the life of Prophet
    Muhammad, sallallaahu ́alayhi wa sallam
  • Makkah Greets Us
    Samaya Investment organized and implemented the Makkah Greets Us events for the Royal Commission for Makkah City and the Holy Sites, which were held in the Hira Cultural District on the occasion of Eid Al-Fitr.
  • Al Jouf Museum
    An educational and awareness museum that displays the story of Saudi culture and heritage, especially the Al-Jouf region.
  • “The Beautiful Names Of Allah” Exhibition
    enriching the religious journey and cultural experience of the guests of God, through a museum display that highlights the greatness of the Almighty Creator, and calls for contemplation and reflection on the creatures around us.
  • The Exquisite Art of Arabic Calligraphy Exhibition
    This exhibition presents informative entertainment displaying the physical aspect
    of beauty through samples of the enthralling practice of Arabic calligraphy. It also presents the moral aspect of beauty through texts expressing lofty ideals.

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